What does a digital offer to purchase mean to you?

  • You can make your bid 24/7
  • No appointment needed in one of our offices
  • You can make your bid faster and easier
  • We react immediately by submitting your offer to the owner
  • If your bid is accepted in principle or not, we always inform you immediately by e-mail
  • In case of acceptance you have 2 working days to officially confirm your bid by signing it in one of our offices
  • Only then is your offer binding and the owner can officially accept it by placing his/her signature
  • The sale is now definitively closed thanks to your digital offer to purchase, congratulations!
  • Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
This is not a bidding platform. The identity of the bidder and the amount bid are strictly confidential. Each bid will be submitted to the owner as soon as it meets the minimum requirements.
Your information
You need to enter your firstname
You need to enter your name
You need to enter your e-mail
You need to enter your phonenumber
You need to enter your street
You need to enter your number
You need to enter your box
You need to enter your postal
You need to enter your city
You need to enter your ID nummer
You need to enter your geboortedatum
You need to enter your geboorteplaats
Extra buyer
How much would you like to bid on this item?
You need to enter your bedrag
You need to enter your bedrag voluit
How long is your offer valid for? (min. 5 days, max. 15 days)
You need to enter your datum
Who is your notary?
Notary of seller:
Do you want a condition precedent of a loan?
* Het te lenen bedrag mag bij voorkeur maximum 90% van de hoofdsom bedragen. Op deze vuistregel worden wel nog uitzonderingen toegestaan. Indien u meer dan 90% wenst te lenen, dient u te beschikken over een positief pre-advies van de bank.
You must agree with our terms and conditions